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Move awayContinue ShoppingNeem Twigs (Datun)
Qty :Tender twigs from the neem tree which are used as a toothbrush. will have about 12 twigs in each bunch.
A traditional practice that has been in use for a long time. Some of us might have even grown up using these neem twigs to brush our teeth.
How to brush with this ?
Bite and chew about an inch at one end of the stick. Do this until the end turns into bristle like structures. Then you can use it to rub your teeth just like you would any toothbrush.
Why neem ?
Neem has antimicrobial and anti bacterial properties which is probably why this practice was done.
The study published in the journal 'Pharmacognosy Review' by the name 'Azadirachta Indica: A herbal Panacea In Dentistry - An Update,' notes that
"Neem bark is used as an active ingredient in a number of toothpastes and toothpowders. Neem bark has anti-bacterial properties; it is quite useful in dentistry for curing gingival problems and maintaining oral health in a natural way. Neem twigs are used as oral deodorant, toothache reliever and for cleaning of teeth." (Src of study extract : ndtv)
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