New Eggs at HB - Desi Kadaknath Eggs
We have recently started with Desi Kadaknath Free Range Eggs.
Like any other product that is launched in Healthy Buddha, we have identified these eggs keeping in mind health aspect, taste, and humane treatment of hens.
These eggs come from the rare breed of Native kadaknath chickens, known for their black colour.
Kadaknath eggs contain high levels of proteins and calcium 1.5 times more than classic eggs. 2 kadaknath eggs has 17gms of protein.
You can see the video of the free range kadaknath farm at Jat khor Village, New Delhi here and here.
The Eggs are not certified organic, but we had them tested for any pesticide residues.
You can find the report here.
What Are Kadaknath Eggs?
Kadaknath eggs come from the Kadaknath chicken, a breed native to Madhya Pradesh, India. This chicken is known for its unique black feathers, skin, and even black meat, which is rich in protein. Kadaknath chickens are free-range and are often raised organically, which adds to the appeal of their eggs.
1. Appearance and Taste
Appearance: Desi Kadaknath eggs are typically bit smaller than regular eggs, weighing around 47-55 grams each. They have a light brown shell, sometimes with a pinkish tint.
Taste: Organic Acre Desi Kadaknath eggs are known for their rich and distinct flavor. The taste is often described as more intense and flavorful compared to regular eggs, making them a gourmet choice for various dishes.
2. Protein and Nutrition Content
Desi Kadaknath eggs are highly nutritious and are considered a premium source of protein. They contain:
• High Protein: The egg whites are known to be the purest form of protein.
• Low Fat: These eggs have almost no fat, making them a healthy choice.
• Rich in Micronutrients: They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall health and well-being.
• High Omega 3 Content - Kadaknath eggs are known to be rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining heart health, reducing inflammation, and supporting brain function. These fatty acids are a crucial part of a balanced diet and offernumerous health benefits.
3. About the Farm
It comes from Organic Acre’s Kadaknath farm that is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and poultry practices. The farm is designed to provide a natural and stress-free environment for the hens, ensuring they are healthy and productive.
4. Way of Raising the Hens
The hens at Organic Acre are raised with great care:
• Free-Range Environment: The hens are allowed to roam freely, which promotes their natural behaviors and reduces stress.
• Humane Treatment: The farm ensures that the hens are treated humanely, with ample space and a clean living environment.
5. Diet
The diet of Kadaknath hens at Organic Acre is carefully managed to ensure optimal health and nutrition:
• Natural Feed: The hens are fed a natural diet consisting of grains like corn, soya, bajra, wheat grains and maize along with Flexseeds and green Forage.
• No Antibiotics or Hormones: The feed is free from antibiotics, growth promoters, and hormones, ensuring that the eggs are pure and healthy.
We believe if the hen is treated right (And NOT like a caged prisoner whose only job is to lay eggs), and they are fed natural elements, they will give excellent healthy nutritious egg.
If you are not familiar with the concept of free range eggs - you can check one of our previous article here - https://healthybuddhamagazine.blogspot.com/2017/02/what-really-happens-before-you-have.html