Guide to Seed Germination
Seed Germination has always been a bit tricky. Even experienced gardeners struggle at times to get the germination right. We have put together a guide below to help you get this part right.
- Some seeds require transplanting from a seed tray or a cup. Some can be sown directly in the soil. Typically this will be mentioned in the back of the seed packet.
- Use Organic or Open Pollinated Seeds. Ensure they are not coated with poison.
- If you are a healthy buddha customer, you can treat with Pseudomonus (available in healthybuddha.in website) before sowing the seed.
- The beneficial microorganisms present in Pseudomonus help the seed from any any fungal disease, harmful soil-borne and expedite germination
- Seeds in general requires lot of humidty and it should not go dry.
- Plan it such, it is kept away from rain, wind, insects, birds, and pets.
- You can use either cocopeat or mix of cocopeat and vermicompost in the seedling tray.
- First fill the trays 3/4th with the mix. Start sowing your seeds and space them so they have enough room to grow. Then fill the rest of the top 1/4th space lightly with the compost mix or cocopeat. Do not tap down or press. Too many seeds can cause crowding and dieback in seedlings. Sow just enough to suit your garden space.
- You can place the tray under a simple bench in a protected balcony or patio corner should work well
- Seeds need sufficient light but also can’t be too exposed to the sun; else they will dry out and not germinate. Moisture needs to be retained through the day.
- Water the seedlings twice a day with a gentle spray. First thing in the morning and around 5pm. Follow your instincts to understand that there should be enough moisture/dampness and not too much that the whole tray stays soggy.
- The little seedlings cannot take too much pressure, so make sure you spray them gently and evenly with water.
- Some seeds come out in a few days and some take weeks depending on the variety and weather conditions.
- When you soak seeds before planting, you can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes for a seed to germinate.
- Put the seeds in a shallow bowl and cover with water as you would a bean seed before cooking. One can also put seed in zip-lock bag with a damp paper and seed and then seal the bag.
- Instead of just water, one can add Pseudomonus as well to the liquid. This will help against any fungal issues, soil born disease and help expedite germination.
Soaking the Seed
Sowing or Transplanting
Soak for 2hrs
Most greens don’t require transplanting. Can be sown directly.
Sow the Seeds 0.5 to 1 inch gap. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil. Cover it slightly with Compost.
Bitter gourd &snake gourd
8 hours
Sow directly in the soil gap with 3ft distance
Bottle gourd, ridge gourd,
4 Hours
Sow directly in the soil gap with 3ft distance
Cucumber, ladies finger,
4 hours
Sow directly in the soil gap with 1.5ft distance
Tomato, Brinjal, Green Chilli, Cabbage, Cauliflower
2 Hours
Need to be transplanted from seed tray
You can buy organic seeds and related material in Healthy Buddha Farm Shop

Tags: seed germinatoin, guides, tips, gardening