Story behind Chyavanprash at HB
In the 1980s Mukund Savani, a 41yr old chemical engineer decided to bid goodbye to his life in the US & relocate his family to Mt.Abu, Rajasthan.
What drove him to do this ? was his passion for Ayurveda and herbs.
He first experimented with a lot of herbal combinations and developed diverse products which he started sharing with friends and family. When found the response to be positive..he went ahead, got his Ayurvedic pharmacy license in May 1995 and began commercial production.
His bungalow in Mt.Abu nestled between greenary is now a well known business concocting traditional herbal preparations like the chyavanprash we have at HB
His Chyavanprash Special, is prepared from a 4000 year old formulation, made of 70-plus herbs is cooked in ghee for over eight hours, cooled for two days before being packed.
Easily the best one weve tried. Most importantly, the person behind making it is very very genuine. We have been working with him directly over the last 7 years.
Youve probably heard about this popular Ayurvedic concoction, Chyavanprash..but what is it exactly?
✨Chyawanprash is a time-tested herbal formulation.Chyavanprash was first described in the ancient Ayurvedic text, Charaka Samhita, in 100 AD.
✨Ancient folklore has it that two ancient sages of the holistic science of Ayurveda concocted this rejuvenative formula to restore youth to the elderly sage, Chyavan. Hence the name of the formulation “Chyavanprash” comes from two words “prash” to prepare something and “Chyavan”, the sage for whom it was first prepared.
✨ It usually falls under the category “Rasayana" in Ayurveda- which are rejuvenating tonics that intend to maintain youth and delay the aging process.
✨Chyawanprash has a jam-like consistency and is considered as an "anupana" i.e. a carrier that helps in concocting all the incredible herbs and spices together so that it can be easily used by the human body for rejuvenation and immunisation purposes.
✨ The 70 important herbs included in a perfectly balanced way. This chyavanprash contains Amlaki as the chief component, which is the best rejuvenator, a rich source of natural Vitamin C.
✨Apart from rejuvenation and purification, this formulation is very useful in bronchial problem, strengthening the digestive system, reducing rheumatic conditions and eliminating negative conditions associated with aging.
✨Chyavanaprash is beneficial for all. It is usually consumed directly or along with warm milk or water. The recommended consumption is
one teaspoon on an empty or light stomach in the morning. One cup warm milk after 15 minutes is beneficial. Reduce dose by half for children.