Our Test Results for Pesticide Residue of Ladies Finger are here
Posted By HealthyBuddha on Wednesday 05th October 2022
Recently, we had ladies finger from one of our farm (farmer Nagaraj) tested for 60+ pesticide residues in a laboratory to make sure when we say organic we really mean chemical free.
We randomly picked it from one of the harvest that arrived in our office.
We've seen okra been put through various harmful chemical treatments, in conventional farming.
Study conducted by National Institute of Nutrition in Hyderabad in 2012 tested fruits and veggies sold in various zones for residual pesticide levels. Among the tested Lady’s finger (okra) was one of the most contaminated, with residues of 18 pesticides belonging to organophosphate class. (Down to earth, 2012)
So, we are extremely happy to report that 60+ pesticide residues tested are ND ( Not Detected ) in our sample
Here is detailed test report

KUDOS! to all the hard work of our organic farmer Nagaraj.
So go ahead and enjoy your bindi masala chemical free.