Why I Eat Organic? Meet Sharada Mohan
Posted By HealthyBuddha on Tuesday 06th April 2021
I am Sharada Mohan. I come from a kannada speaking orthodox family - born and brought up in Bangalore. I work as a Senior engineer at a semiconductor company. I live with my husband, in laws and my 1 1/2 year old baby boy in Vv puram, Basavanagudi - the Good Old Bangalore Area.
The awareness about organic produce is really very less in these parts of Bangalore where people of my parents' generation don't really understand the meaning of the word organic but very much would like to go street shopping to either Gandhi bazaar which is a good old famous shopping area or buy from vendors who come with carts on the road. We being the tech savvy generation know about organic stuff and the harmful effects of chemical Laden food - though by living with in laws I don't have the privilege/liberty of buying each and everything organic (I have had a big fight about the topic a few years back and given up :)). I have been regularly managing to buy some organic fruits and veggies - a part of which is also consumed by my son who is now a toddler. Healthy Buddha wasn't even delivering in my area till last year June. But I knew about healthy Buddha from our common friend who is my colleague at work. I had been pestering them with emails to start deliveries in my area and once I got to know they did, there has been no stopping. I have been ordering each and every single week since then.
I am so grateful to these guys for the excellent work they are doing with our farmers encouraging them to go chemical free and with regular checks on the farms. I have complete confidence that what I get from healthy Buddha produce is 100% organic

Tags: customer, know our customer, reviews, customers