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Move awayContinue ShoppingMicro Greens - Peas (50gms, Harvested)
Qty :Micro Greens will be delivered freshly harvested, at the right time by us and delivered to you.
Microgreens are a tiny form of young, edible greens. They are much lighter in flavor than the mature plant and are more nutrient dense.
Peas Cabbage Microgreens
Taste Profile: Mild sweet. One can literally taste peas in your mouth.
1. Good source of Vit C, E, K
2. helps promote gut health
3. good source of antioxidants
4. red microgreens containing higher levels of polyphenols and glucosinolates, which are compounds that can have cholesterol lowering effects.Harvested at about two inches tall, they are great in salads and cold soups. Best suited for raw garnish to dishes.
Usage and Storage: Convenient to directly use and store. Suggested to consume as fresh as possible. Can store it in the fridge for upto a 3-4 days.
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