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Move awayContinue ShoppingWATER Spinach
Qty :Water Spinach is a semi-aquatic, long green leafy vegetable with hollow stems.
In Cantonese it is known as ong choy, translating into ' hollow heart vegetable"
Though it is called spinach it isnt related to the spinach family. In cooked dishes they can be used in similar manner. It is known to taste like a cross between spinach and watercress.
Tips :
• Cut off the first couple of inches of the stalk - which are quite fibrous in nature.
• Best to seperate the tender leaves from the lower stalk part since the stalk takes more time to cook
• They are very popular in stirfries, curries, soups.
• They take very well to ingredients that flavour like garlic, chillies, pepper, ginger.
More tips by our customer Archana, for Water propogated water spinach :
- eat the leaves and poke the stalks in water.
- change the water daily
- harvest the leaves again.
- once roots grow you can plant them in the soil too.
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