Fruits & Vegetables
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Move awayContinue ShoppingApples - RED SPUR (from Himachal)
Qty :Apples come from a very authentic source personally validated by a personal contact of Healthy buddha by going to the farm in Simla.
The Current Apple variety is called Red Spur and comes from Shimla. This variety will last for 3-4 weeks, post which another apple variety is expected to start.
Wax on APPLES:
Typically, On wax coating, there are two types of it. One that is naturally emitted by the fruit, one that is artificially added by humans. natural wax will be milky and won’t be thick. You may google for apple natural wax. also check out here https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/wax-on-apples/ What is dangerous is when someone adds harmful wax artificially on top of the apple to help it store for a long time.
Did you know:
- It takes almost 5-8 years before the tree starts yielding Apple Fruits.
- Apples can grow from 10 to 30 feet tall and nearly as wide. Apples are moderately fast growing, but growth slows with age. Apple trees can live for 100 years or more.
- Apple trees bloom in the spring, set fruit, and take from 100 to 200 days to reach harvest depending upon the variety.
How it is grown Organically:
- They use neem cakes and spray neem oil to keep pests and insects away.
- Vermicompost pits have been built and these help make organic fertiliser for the apple trees, as do natural products like cow urine and cow dung. They also use organic fertilisers, mixed liberally into dug-up soil around the circumference of the tree.
- Being organic it is more labour intensive, quite simply because if a tree has pests, weeds or catches a bug, farmers have to physically dig up the soil or pluck and remove the infected parts. It’s a lot of hard work and there are no shortcuts. But the farmers passionately believe that they’re labouring not just for your good, but their own too.
- And more importantly no artificial wax is added to the fruit to prevent it from decaying fast. But do note, few apples will naturally emit natural wax.
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