9 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds and How to Use Them
What are pumpkin seeds?
Health benefits
1. Good source of minerals
- · Magnesium improves the mood and sleep
- · Manganese promotes skin and bone health by helping with collagen production
- · Iron and copper helps with energy production while iron also transports oxygen to cells
- · Zinc improves body immunity, vision and skin health. It also keeps the prostate healthy and ensures high fertility by boosting sperm quality.
2. Rich in antioxidants - Pumpkin cells are also packed with cell protective antioxidants which reduce inflammation and prevent premature aging and chronic diseases.
3. High in beneficial fats - Pepitas are a rich source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids which is helpful in heart disease protection, anti-inflammation and reduces the risks of hardening of arteries.
4. Controls blood sugar levels -Pepitas are low in carbs and a good source of plant protein. This proves helpful at protecting against type 2 diabetes or at least reduces complications by improving insulin regulation.
5. Anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic - Pumpkin seeds exhibit anti-fungal and anti-viral properties which is why they do not trigger allergies or intolerances. They are also associated with anti-parasitic activity to traditionally eliminate tapeworms and other dangerous body parasites.
6. Anticancer properties -Pumpkin seed extracts contain lignans which reduces breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
7. Reduces inflammation - Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, pepitas can help reduce arthritis pain and other inflammation. It also keeps tissues healthy.
8. Diuretic nature prevents kidney stones
9. Rich protein source -With 30% of pumpkin seeds comprising of proteins, it’s a rich source of proteins essential for tissue healthy and boosting metabolism.
How to eat pumpkin seeds
How to roast pumpkin seeds

Tags: pumpkin seeds, useage, benefits