Fruits & Vegetables
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Move awayContinue ShoppingApples - Gala (from Shimla)
Qty :Since they are travelling from far away in multiple modes of transport, Some of these apples might have 1-2 dent on it. Kindly order these apples only if such is acceptable for you.
Apples come froma very authentic source personally validated by a personal contact of Healthybuddha by going to the farm in Shimla. We keep in close touch with our farmers.Our farmer, Mandeep Dogra has been recently certified and recognized by Govt.for his ZBNF/SPNF techniques used in growing organic apples.
How it is grown organically?
- Organic appletrees use neem cakes and neem oil to keep pests and insects away.
- Vermicompost actsas an organic manure for the apple trees, so do natural products like cow urineand cow dung. The soil around the tree is dug up and it is then added.
- Sometimes if atree has pests, weeds or catches a bug, farmers have to physically dig up thesoil or pluck and remove the infected parts. This itself is a cumbersome taskas it needs to be manually done and there are no shortcuts. But the farmerspassionately do it as they believe that they’re labouring not just for yourgood, but their own too.
- No artificial waxis added to the fruit to increase its shelf life or prevent it from decayingfast.
Health benefits of organic apples
- Cleanse and detox- Eating 2 - 3 apples a day will detox and cleanse your body especially theliver which is one of the most important organs of your body.
- Boosts immunity -Remember the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Apple has all theessential vitamins and minerals which will keep your immune system strong andhealthy in all the seasons.
- Keeps your teethhealthy - The apple acts as a scrubber by removing the bacteria and stains fromyour teeth. It also contains a chemical called malic acid which is found inteeth whiteners.
- Improves guthealth - Pecting, a type of fibre found in apples acts as a potential prebioticwhich is passed through the small intestine and into the colon which feeds goodgut bacteria improving your gut health.
How to use organic apples?
You can useorganic apples to prepare delicious recipes such as apple halwa or eat it as is a pre-workout meal before going tothe gym. They make a great addition to your salads too. One of our favourite snack is some apple slices with peanut butter.
Where to buy organic apples in Bangalore?
You can buy organic apples online in Bangalore from Healthy Buddha’s website orthrough our app.
What are organic apples?
Organic applesare grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. There is ahuge taste difference between organic and conventional apples. Organic applesare healthy and nutritious compared to conventional apples.
What are the health benefits of organic apples?
Organic applesboost immunity, helps in cleansing your body, makes your teeth stronger andimprove your gut health.
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